Welcome To Close Connections

Hi, I'm Jasmine McEwen.

Licensed Therapist & Mental Health Coach

Once I realized the power that comes along with changing your mindset, I knew I was required to share this gift with others.

For years my mindset was to focus on what I lacked, instead of focusing on what I could gain. I fought hard to express and validate my illnesses and wounds to everyone I came across, instead of fighting hard for my wellness and recovery.

When I finally stopped to look at the impact that my actions had on myself and those around me I knew that I had to make a change.

Our thoughts about ourselves and the world we live in can be the difference between a life of poverty, lack, & despair, and a life of wealth, abundance, and joy.

As a Christian, I believe that helping others learn to control their thoughts and change their lives for the better is my God-given purpose.


  • Master of Science - Clinical Mental Health Counseling
    Johns Hopkins University - 2015

  • Bachelor of Science - Psychology & Education
    University of Pittsburgh at Bradford - 2012

Licensure & Certifications

  • Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

    Maryland Department of Health - 2018

  • EMDR Certified Therapist

    EMDR International Association - 2022



Fulfilling Intimacy

1 Month Program

For women who are struggling to be physically intimate in their marriage.



Intimacy Coaching Client

"Mapping out my parts, and learning how to manage all the emotions I've been disconnected from has really helped me regain trust in myself and my body."


Intimacy Coaching Client

"Now when I think about being abused I understand that it's something that I already survived. I am safe now, and I can have joy in my marriage".

Copyright Close Connections, LLC 2024 . All rights reserved